Monday, May 9, 2011

Museum of Socialrealism

At the Kozlowka Palace, one of the out buildings serves as a museum collection of old Soviet-era art - old busts and posters of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, etc.  This photo is a banner reading "The enemy is tempting you with Coca Cola".  During the communist era, Coke was not marketed in Eastern Europe. (Pictures inside were not allowed)

I also learned that Delaney really enjoys looking at sculptures.  She was the last person in our group, including adults, to leave the museum.  She kept looking at each one and pointing things out to me - look at that one mom, the girl has a flower in her hand.  Who is this mom?  I'll have to keep her artistic interest in mind when we visit the museums in Athens...

1 comment:

  1. Actually Coca Cola wasn't banned in Poland since '70s. Previously was available only in special stores, of course for dollars.
