Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why do the right words always come 5 mins late?

In all the times the bus controllers have boarded the bus we were riding, they have never asked for Delaney's ticket/pass...until yesterday.   I was taking her to school and did not have her pass with me.  I said 'moj ojciec ma jej billetow' (my dad has her ticket).  The controller looked confused for a minute, then said to her colleague 'jej ojciec ma jej billetow' (her dad has her ticket)...Tak, tak (yes, yes).  David is moj maz, nie moj ojciec (my husband, not my dad)!  Of course the right words came to me as they stepped away and got off the bus...

1 comment:

  1. It is common that peopole in poland are afreid of speaking in english even if they know it. I believe that in nature of polish people is also to point and correct every mistake they see or hear. On the other hand the same pepole are afraid to be corrected. Since almost 20 years most kids learn english (before 1990 was russian) so most of people younger than 30 years more or less know basics of english. I don't know if controllers knew english or not. But it is verry possible, that they didn't knew english or they afraid to show they knew. So in this situation propobly there was strong language barrier (much stronger from controlers side) witch controlers maight be scrared to even touch. :) Because of that it was happend what isn't happening often. They step off without charging extra fee. :)
