Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kids school

Visited the kids' school today and met Delaney's and Adam's teachers.  Both were very nice and spoke English well.  Delaney is in a primary classroom with 16 other children.  School from 9 - 2:00 with 3 afternoons of extracuricular activities included in the school fee.  She picked swimming, dance, and art.  Here is a picture of her with her teacher (Pani Dorota - Ms. Dorothy)
Adam's schedule is crazy - no such thing as a block schedule.  Every single day is different, with varying total hours for each course.  Math is 6 hours a week, Spanish is 2 hours a week, Biology is 3 hours a week.  On several days he has free hours where his Polish peers will be taking a course in Polish.  Four of his classes are private tutors.  He's scheduled for 2 hours of Polish tutoring, but has requested several more hours if possible. He also has some elective choices at the end of the day.  They apparently do much of their  PE at a large athletic center downtown at the end of the day. -Carolyn

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