Sunday, March 13, 2011

Birthday party observations

It was fun to watch the kids play at the birthday party that Delaney attended this weekend.  It was pretty similar to a birthday party at home.  The candle on the birthday cake, however, was the coolest candle I have ever seen!  No one else seemed to find it remarkable, so I guess its pretty common here.  It was kind of a combination firework/candle.  It looked like a closed up flower.  When lit, a giant (8 inch) flame shot out of the top for a few seconds, then the whole flower part opened up with a lot of smaller lit candles on the inside.  

I was looking forward to hearing the Polish birthday song, but didn't get to.  I asked one of the mothers if there was a special song sung at birthdays and she said "oh yes, but we forgot!"  Delaney has received two more invitations, so maybe we'll get to hear it then.

One interesting side note:  At one point during the party, one of the girls spilled some juice on herself.  The hostess went over to the bags she used to bring stuff in, and pulled out...a hair dryer!  I was a bit puzzled about why a hair dryer would come to a birthday party (although it was convenient for the girl who spilled).  At the end of the party, however, several of the kids were using it to dry the sweat from their brows.  There were even two more drying devices by the entry way where kids put their shoes back on.  Delaney and I both chuckled about this particular 'convenience', especially since they were blowing hot air!  She opted to go for the "air dry" method.

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