Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pueblo in Gdansk

We finally arrived yesterday after a very long train ride from Lublin. Almost missed the connecting train in Warsaw. Got off at Warsaw Centralna and discovered that our train departed from Warsaw East. Quick cab ride to the correct station and on the right train. There were two trains there, both going to Gdansk. Ours was the express train (still took 5 1/2 hours, not sure how long the non-express train took).
Our hostel is very nice and comfortable. I have already met an Australia (who shared his beer with me), a woman from N.J. who has spent the last 3 years in Warsaw teaching English (and whose ears got talked off by Delaney who shared her vision on "how she is going to save the world" by planting trees and studying trees), and three Swedes who are moving to Los Angeles to attend school. We all had a great talk on the front porch of the hostel until Delaney got called to bed by Carolyn and shortly thereafter a neighbor hollered to us to "shut up".
We look forward to what today will bring. So far as what we have seen, Gdansk is living up to it's reputation as a "city you have to visit".

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