Sunday, June 12, 2011

Final birthday party

Birthday parties for Delaney's classmates have been one of the major social events for our family during our stay here.  We attended our last celebration this weekend, this time for Martyna.  As you can tell from the jackets - we had a cold front move through this week.  Highs were only in the 60's for several days!  The kids had a great time running, climbing and riding.

1 comment:

  1. Hey. My name is Sebastian.
    I read this blog from beginning to end.
    Now It"s part of my day :)
    The reading was amazing experience for me.
    I was born and live in Poland, therefore I think and act "polak" :-)
    You see differently Poland. It is beautiful and amazing.
    You see what I can not see. It allowed me to discover Poland again.

    Now I have a small request.
    Please, any form of contact. I'll be very grateful. Thank you.
    My mail:

    Ps. Sorry for my english. But my dream is to speak very well. :-D

    Sebastian Witkowski
    Poznań, Poland :)
