Friday, May 13, 2011

Krakow adventure begins

Although 4:00 am was very early to get up to catch the early train to Krakow, it was worth it.  We arrived at our hostel at 12:00, checked in, and went off to explore the old city.  Our hostel is a small one, just 6 rooms (2 dorms and 4 private rooms).  Fun art on the walls...reminding you that you are at the Mosquito Hostel (yes, that's a giant mosquito painted on the wall).

We found a traditional polish restaurant for lunch.  Good schnitzel, pierogies, and chicken. 

There was an education fair of some sort in the main square with tents from many different universities.  Its the largest center square in Europe! 

There were lots of different street artists and performers.  This first one is a man who appears to be levitating above the ground.  Pretty cool effect!  The second one is a completed picture by a woman who was painting exclusively with spray paint.  She would put on multiple layers, the wipe away several with various tools and rags to create various effects.  Very neat final product, but I hate to think how many brain cells she kills inhaling the fumes each day!

We eventually made our way up to the Wawel castle (see separate post), expecting to buy tickets for the next day.  There were no lines, however, and still tickets remaining for that afternoon, so we went on in.

After the Wawel we ate in the square and then walked around part of the park that surrounds the old town (where the wall fortifications once were).  It was quite pretty and peaceful as the sun went down. We all crashed after a very busy day!

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