Thursday, May 19, 2011


We enjoyed walking around Zakopane when the sun came out.  Its quite a bit like Aspen or Vail in Colorado (although more rustic and attractive and not nearly as expensive).  The houses and other buildings are built much like they are in Switzerland (and probably anywhere else that gets heavy snow) - steep sloped roofs, attractively decorated wooden paneling.

The view of the mountains around the town is spectacular (when they aren't covered in clouds)!

We walked through the old cemetary.  It was quite beautiful and not at all like cemetaries in the States.  Each grave had it old small garden plot on top and each crucifix on the graves was crafted differently.  Some were carved wood kind of like totem poles, others were stone or wrought iron. Most of the sites showed evidence of being well tended.   The oldest death we found was 1875.  I'm guessing the region of Zakopane was settled relatively recently since that's not really very old. (Or there is an older cemetary somewhere else).  Several school groups came through while we were there.  There was one grave where they all took pictures.  I need to look up the name and see who s/he is.

Lots of street vendors selling smoked cheeses.  We haven't seen this style before.  Tasty (and pretty) - the kids thought they were special breads at first (and were disappointed to find out they were cheese!)


  1. The grave what you seen belong to one of the polish famous writers, he specialized in stories for children.
    If you are traveling through the south of Poland I strongly recommend visitung town called Krynica which is also known as a pearl of polish SPA.

  2. Hi,

    Minimal explanation, first mention about zakopane come from 1578 as little settel in 1673 this village couted 43 citizens. In 1824 zakopane with part of mountains was saled to hungarians. From 1876 real devlopment was started because of popularization of special micro climat in this place. In 1889 there were 3000 citizens. In 1889 was bought back by one of polish earls. in 1900 there were 1567 citizens. In 1933 it has been granted city rights to zakopane.

    That smoked cheese is called "oscypek" and its famous regional product. UE rights grants that it can be produced only in this region.
