Friday, February 11, 2011

Wonderful Polish dinner!

Last night the family was invited over to Dr. Pietras' home. He is head of the International Relations department at the university. Also present was the other Fullbright professor (from southern Illinois) who had arrived in Poland the day before (and whose name is Dave, naturally). Dr. Pietras and his wife(a physician at one of the city hospitals) prepared a delicious meal, complete with traditional Polish dishes, wine, vodka, desert, and several glasses of her homemade fruit liqueur (very potent and very good).
The first dish was a cold freshwater fish with lemon. The name of the fish escaped us in Polish, and our hosts did not know the English translation.

The second dish was a kind of mushroom jello (mushrooms in jelly, pictured above). The third dish was a hot mushroom soup, and following this was the main course:

Roast duck with raspberry sauce, baked apple and steamed vegetables and potatoes. It was all very delicious. Desert was a type of custard, creamy and sweet.
Wine from Chile and Italy accompanied the meal, along with oak flavored vodka. Carolyn and Adam both tried the vodka, neither had a taste for it. I had three glasses (because our host kept pouring!).  Following the vodka were two home brewed liquers fermented with dogberries and quince. (Glad to say we caught a cab home!)

Also present were their two cats named, Easy who is furry and very friendly, and ??? a large furry black cat that was very timid until well into the evening, and a very large chocolate lab with the largest head I have ever seen on the breed. His name is Silver and he quickly made friends will all.

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