Saturday, April 2, 2011

Travel to Prague

Our long travel day went fine.  Delaney did pretty well with 10 hours of confinement on a train.  She read to herself, I read to her, she did some art, she watched some videos on our laptop, and we walked from one end of the train to the other multiple times.  After getting up at 4:30 to start the day, She finally crashed 1 hour before we arrived in Prague.

The countryside that we saw on the ride was quite beautiful for the most part.  Lots of forestlands (not really wilderness though), interspersed with small farm plots that were showing hints of green.  The Polish towns we saw on the West side of the country did appear more prosperous looking than in the East (as we had already been told), although it was difficult to say why they gave that impression from the train window.  We saw our first flowering fruit trees (plums?) and some yellow blooming forsythia.

The train got more crowded when we crossed the Czech border and the rail traffic increased significantly.  Delaney and I watched the tracks for a while from the back of the train, and there were parallel tracks the whole way, and often triple tracks or other lines breaking off or joining the one we were on.  As the Poles already know, their train system is in sorry shape compared to their neighbor's.

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